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Janssen Healthcare Innovation – Connected Care Challenge

Posted by on March 9, 2012


Janssen Healthcare Innovation
Connected Care Challenge Update
Janssen Healthcare Innovation Offering $250,000 in Awards for Innovative Ideas that Improve Care Connectivity

The connected care challenge is in full swing

Janssen Healthcare Innovation (JHI) is seeking ideas to tackle an important issue within our healthcare system – the coordination of care for patients as they are discharged from the hospital. This is a phase of care that is disconnected, inefficient and confusing for the patient. To address this, JHI has launched the Janssen Connected Care Challenge, and is offering awards totaling $250,000 to entrepreneurs with ideas that have the potential to improve health and post-hospital care and to lower costs of unnecessary hospital readmissions and physician services.

The goal of the challenge is to identify innovative approaches that will improve both patients’ direct engagement with their care and recovery, as well as physicians’ connectivity to patients during the recovery process. JHI is particularly interested in technology-enabled clinical solutions that focus on improving information sharing among hospitals, patients, caregivers and community-based doctors as a way to target this communication and coordination gap.

Complete Challenge description, official rules, including prizes, judging criteria and timelines are available on the Janssen Connected Care Challenge website. Remember to submit your solution beginning on February 27th!

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Janssen Healthcare Innovation

Janssen Healthcare Innovation | Janssen Research & Development, LLC.
3210 Merryfield Row, San Diego, CA

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